Physikalische und theoretische Chemie

Welcome to the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Department!

Molecular dynamic simulation of a liquid nano-droplet in electrospray ionization (ESI)

Welcome to the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Department!

Description: Mass spectrometry Author: Christian Lord Otto

Welcome to the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Department!

Description: Chemistry laboratory, photoreactor Author: Jepp/Hänsel

Welcome to the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Department!

Molecular structure of Caffeine

Physical chemistry

Physical chemistry represents a link between chemistry and physics. It attempts to understand the behavior of chemical systems based on fundamental physical laws.

Theoretical chemistry

Theoretical chemistry aims to quantitatively determine the structures of molecules and their interactions based on fundamental physical principles through mathematical modeling and concrete calculations that are as accurate as possible.

Research Areas

Atmospheric Chemistry

Mass Spectrometry

Theoretical Chemistry


Plasma Research