Physikalische und theoretische Chemie

PAC - Practical course in general chemistry

The practical course consists of 2 separate parts:

Physical-chemical part (PC 0)

Inorganic-chemical (AC/Anorganische Chemie) part

The physical chemistry (PC) part takes place as usual during the semester.
The inorganic chemistry (AC) part is then carried out in the form of a block practical course during the semester break. Both parts end with a separate final test, both must be passed.
If you have any questions regarding the AC part, please contact Prof Jenne or Dr Bernhardt directly.


Physical-chemical part

Practical room: V.08.046
Head of practical course: Dr Klaus-D. Setzer

The practical course takes place every semester and is compulsory for B. Sc. Chemistry and Food Chemistry as well as B. Sus. Chem. (planned in the 1st semester). The practical course comprises 8 physical experiments, seminars on the experiments and a colloquium.
Attendance is compulsory, absence only with a medical certificate.
Grading is based on interviews on the individual experiments, assessments of the protocols, the colloquium and the assessment in the seminar. The practical course (PC 0) is successfully completed after all protocols have been tested and the final PC examination has been passed. After the AC part, the final PC grade is weighted at 33% of the overall PAC grade according to the PC/AC internship components.

 PC/AC weighted at 33% of the overall PAC grade.

For combinatorial Bachelor:

The practical course is usually completed in the 2nd semester (i.e. after the lectures ‘General Chemistry and General Physical Chemistry’).
The PC part comprises 5 physical experiments. The results of the experiments are analysed during or directly after the experiments. The level of knowledge (theory of experiment and execution) is checked at the beginning of each experiment by a discussion with the assistant or by a test.

If the level of knowledge (preparation) is too low, the experiment will not take place.

The practical course is deemed to have been passed if all experiments have been carried out successfully, all analyses are complete and a final examination has been passed. (Graded proof of performance)

Voluntary participation in the PAC seminars is strongly recommended.

Experimental instructions

DOWNLOADs for Bach. Chemistry and Food Chemistry

DOWNLOADs for Bach. Appl. Science and Combi Bach. Arts



Photo gallery of the PAC internship (the 1st semesters of the last years)

A tutorial course is possible at any time! (Appointments can be arranged e.g. by email)