Physikalische und theoretische Chemie

Invited lectures / Vortragseinladungen


163. "Large-amplitude molecular vibrations and molecular symmetry," "keynote lecture" at the "First Workshop on Nonrigid Molecules in Atmospherical and Astronomical Environments," El Carmen, Huelva, Spain, October 3-4, 2019.

162. "Molecular permutation-inversion symmetry, chirality, parity violation, and all that," 2 x 90 min presentation at the first summer school organized by the Young Researcher Committee of the SFB 1319 "ELCH" (Extreme Light for sensing and driving molecular CHirality), Bad Arolsen near Kassel, Germany, September 17-20, 2019.

161. "Are linear (triatomic) molecules really linear?", Abteilung für Labor-Astrophysik, Universität Kassel, Germany, July 30, 2019.

160. "Are linear (triatomic) molecules really linear?", informal seminar at "ExoMol Tea," Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, UK, May 21, 2019.

159. "Making progress in understanding the rotation-vibration spectra of extremely flexible molecules," invited lecture at AnalytiX-2019 (The 7th Annual Conference of Analytics), Singapore, April 12-14, 2019.

158. "Theoretical rovibronic energies of pathological molecules: Extreme flexibility and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown," seminar lecture at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, November 14, 2018.

157. "Molecular Symmetry Part II: Applications of symmetry and the vanishing integral rule", two-hour lecture, Groupe de Spectrométrie Moléculaire et Atmosphérique, Université de Reims, France, September 26, 2018.

156. "Molecular Symmetry Part I: Symmetry operations and the molecular symmetry group", two-hour lecture, Groupe de Spectrométrie Moléculaire et Atmosphérique, Université de Reims, France, September 21, 2018.

155. "Making headway in understanding the rotation-vibration spectrum of protonated methane CH5+ - an extremely flexible molecule," invited "keynote talk" at the "4th International Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry," Dublin, Ireland, September 18-19, 2017.

154. "Theoretical rovibronic energies of pathological molecules: Extreme flexibility and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown," plenary lecture at the "Twenty-fifth Colloquium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy," Helsinki, Finland, August 20-25, 2017.

153. “Towards higher rotational excitation: TROVE goes semi-classical”, TROVE Developers' meeting, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science - CFEL, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany, February 21-23, 2017.

152. "The Renner Effect: An Example of the Breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation", Invitation for plenary lecture at the 9th conference on "Mathematical Methods for Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry: Non-Adiabatic Effects in Molecules and Condensed Matter", Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, July 4-5, 2016. Cancelled due to illness.

151. "Molecular Symmetry", four-hour mini-course at the school "From Potentials to Dynamics: The Starting Journey" organized by the COST network MOLIM, Curia, Portugal, March 30-April 3, 2016.

150. "Simulation of rovibronic spectra for Renner-interacting electronic states," plenary lecture at the Hyperspectral Science and Technology Workshop 2015 , University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, November 4-5, 2015.

149. "Local modes in vibrational (and rotational) spectroscopy", Department of Physics, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, November 4, 2015.

148. "Local modes in vibrational (and rotational) spectroscopy", Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea, October 7, 2015.

147. "Local modes in vibrational (and rotational) spectroscopy", Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea, October 5, 2015.

146. "Local modes in vibrational (and rotational) spectroscopy", Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University, Japan, September 25, 2015.

145. "Ab initio calculations for the group-2 hypermetallic oxides", invited plenary lecture at "AMOC 2015, Anharmonicity in medium-sized molecules and clusters", Madrid, Spain, April 26-30, 2015.

144. "Local modes in vibrational (and rotational) spectroscopy", Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 16, 2015.

143. "Molecular Symmetry", 90-minute lecture at the International French-German summer school SPECMO 2014 "New experimental and theoretical developments in molecular spectroscopy - pushing the limits", at the conference center “La Marana”, Bastia (Corsica), France, September 7-13, 2014.

142. "Local modes in vibrational (and rotational) spectroscopy", Department of Molecular Physics, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, September 18, 2013.

141. "Local modes in vibrational (and rotational) spectroscopy", plenary invited lecture at ICAVS-7: The 7th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, Kobe, Japan, August 25-30, 2013.

140. "Molecular Symmetry - Theory & Application," ERASMUS lectures at Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic. June 25-July 3, 2013.

139. "Molecular Spectroscopy and ALMA," 2013 CESRA workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, June 24-29, 2013.

138. "Molecular Symmetry - Theory & Application," ERASMUS lectures at Departamento de Física Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad de Huelva, Spain, June 3-7, 2013.

137. "The predicted infrared spectrum of the hypermetallic molecule CaOCa in its lowest two electronic states X1Σg+and a3Σu+", "22nd UCL Astrophysics Colloquium: Opacities in Cool Stars and Exoplanets", Cumberland Lodge, The Great Park, Windsor, UK, July 2-5, 2012.

136. "Fundamentals of Molecular Symmetry," course of six 90-minute lectures, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic. May 4-7, 2012.

135. "Theoretical Simulations of the Rovibronic Spectra for Small Molecules," Japan Physical Society, Hokuriku branch, University of Toyama, Japan, April 27, 2012.

134. "Is CCC really linear? Early theoretical studies," invited lecture at the "C3 Mini-Symposium", I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany, March 1-2, 2012.

133. "Torsional splittings and anomalous intensities in HSOH," "plenary keynote lecture" at the 2nd International Workshop on Spectroscopic Signatures of Molecular Complexes/Ions in our Atmosphere and Beyond, Banares Hindu University, Varanasi, India, February 7-10, 2012.

132. "Theoretical Simulations of the Rovibronic Spectra for Small Molecules," "keynote lecture" at APCTCC 2011: The Fifth Asian Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Rotorua, New Zealand, December 9-13, 2011.

131. "Torsional splittings and anomalous intensities in HSOH," Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics (CTCP), Massey University Albany, Auckland, New Zealand, December 6, 2011.

130. "Molecular Symmetry - Theory & Application," invited lecture at an external seminar of BCGS (Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy), Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn, Germany, October 29, 2011.

129. "Torsional splittings and anomalous intensities in HSOH," invited lecture at Symposium 116 "Anharmonic Vibrations of Molecules & Clusters: Experiment and Theory" at PACIFICHEM: 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., December 15-20, 2010.

128. "Gender equality and gender issues at German universities," Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan, December 9, 2010.

127. "Torsional splittings and anomalous intensities in HSOH," Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan, December 8, 2010.

126. "Torsional splittings and anomalous intensities in HSOH," Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, November 11, 2010.

125. "Rotation-vibration energy level cluster formation in three- and four-atomic molecules," invited plenary lecture at the 5th Heron Island Conference on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules: Synthesis and Mechanism, Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia, July 10-16, 2010.

124. "Rotation-vibration energy level cluster formation in three- and four-atomic molecules," invited plenary lecture at the International Workshop on Spectroscopic Signatures of Molecular Complexes/Ions in our Atmosphere and Beyond, Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi, India, February 2-4, 2010.

123. "Rotation-vibration energy level cluster formation in three- and four-atomic molecules," Joint Seminar on High Performance Computing by video conference between the University of Wuppertal, Germany, and Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, January 29, 2010.

122. "Rotation-vibration energy level cluster formation in three- and four-atomic molecules," Seventh International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2009), Rhodes, Greece, September 29-October 4, 2009.

121. "Nuclear Spin Statistical Weights," 90-minute lecture given at the second advanced QUASAAR winter school, Jasná Chopok, Slovakia, February 20-25, 2009.

120. "Fundamentals of Molecular Symmetry," course of six 90-minute lectures accompanied by five 90-minute exercise sessions, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan. The course was given during the period from December 1 to December 11, 2008.

119. "Energy Cluster States at High Rotational Excitation in XH2 and XH3 Molecules," "section lecture" at the annual meeting of the Danish Chemical Society, Odense, Denmark, June 13, 2008.

118. "Molecular Spectroscopy and Symmetry - with Selected Examples," course of eight 90-minute lectures accompanied by three 90-minute exercise sessions, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic. The course was given during the period from April 28 to May 9, 2008.

117. "Molecular Symmetry: Basic Principles and Physical Interpretation," Departamento de Física Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad de Huelva, Spain, March 24, 2008.

116. "Energy Cluster Formation in XH2 and XH3 Molecules," Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, December 6, 2007.

115. "Theoretical Rovibronic Spectroscopy of Small Molecules," plenary lecture at the 13th Spectroscopic Conference organized by the Ioannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society, Lednice na Moravĕ, Czech Republic, June 18-21, 2007.

114. "Molecular Spectroscopy and Symmetry - with Selected Examples," course of eleven 90-minute lectures given at 1. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany, June 13-14 and June 27-28, 2007.

113. "Energy Cluster Formation in XH3 Molecules," "Service de Chimie quantique et Photophysique," Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, June 7, 2007.

112. "The Double Renner Effect in HOO: An Example of the Breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation," GSP Meeting of the Born-Oppenheimer Working Group, European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 14, 2007.

111. "Fundamentals of Molecular Symmetry," six 45-minute lectures given at the first advanced QUASAAR spring school, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, April 17-22, 2007.

110. "Molecular Symmetry: Basic Principles and Physical Interpretation," Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, February 22, 2007.

109. "Energy Cluster Formation in XH3 Molecules," Department of Physics, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, December 18, 2006.

108. "Energy Cluster Formation in XH3 Molecules," Department of Molecular Physics, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, October 13, 2006.

107. "Fundamentals of Molecular Symmetry," three 90-minute lectures, Departamento Química Física I, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, March 28-30, 2006.

106. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Departamento Química Física I, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, March 10, 2006.

105. "Theoretical Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Small Molecules," plenary lecture at the conference "19th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy", Salamanca, Spain, September 12--16, 2005.

104. "Theoretical Evidence for the Formation of Rotational Energy Level Clusters in the Vibrational Ground State of PH3," Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie, Technische Universität München, Garching near Munich, Germany, May 24, 2005.

103. "Theoretical Evidence for the Formation of Rotational Energy Level Clusters in the Vibrational Ground State of PH3, Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, March 17, 2005.

102. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Fachbereich Chemie, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, December 7, 2004.

101. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+" Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany, November 18, 2004.

100. "An Introduction to the Theory of Local Mode Vibrations", Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, November 11, 2004.

99. "An Introduction to the Theory of Local Mode Vibrations", J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, November 8, 2004.

98. "Molekülspektroskopie und Symmetrie - mit ausgewählten Beispielen," course of thirteen 90-minute lectures given at 1. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany, during the period from April 21 to July 21, 2004.

97. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Institute for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences, Ibaraki University, Mito, Japan, January 19, 2004.

96. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Department of Basic Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo, Japan, January 16, 2004.

95. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Department of Chemistry, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, January 13, 2004.

94. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Theoretische Chemie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, October 22, 2003.

93. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, May 26, 2003.

92. "Molekülspektroskopie und Symmetrie - mit ausgewählten Beispielen," course of eleven 90-minute lectures given at 1. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany, during the period from October 29, 2002, to February 6, 2003.

91. "Localized vibrations," three 45-minute lectures given at the SPHERS summer school "Highly Excited Rovibrational States of Molecules - Theory and Experiment," Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, September 16-20, 2002.

90. "Localized Vibrations," three 45-minute lectures given at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, December 13-14, 2001.

89. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 12, 2001.

88. "Localized Vibrations," three 45-minute lectures given at Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 11, 2001.

87. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," 1. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany, November 26, 2001.

86. "Localized Vibrations," three 90-minute lectures given at Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China, September 26-28, 2001.

85. "An Ab Initio Study of the A2Π and X2Σ+ States, and the A2Π ← X2Σ+ Electronic Transition of MgNC," Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China, September 25, 2001.

84. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China, September 24, 2001.

83. "Local Modes in Molecules and Beyond," two 75-minute lectures, accompanied by a 90-minute discussion session, in the framework of Chemical Physics Course 894 "Frontiers of Spectroscopy," Spectroscopy Institute of the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A., February 21-23, 2001.

82. "An Ab Initio Study of the A2Π State and the A2Π ← X 2 Σ+ Electronic Transition of MgNC," Joint Theory Program and Molecular Spectroscopy Program Seminar, Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February 15, 2001.

81. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Laboratory for Quantum Chemistry, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, December 1, 2000.

80. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, November 29, 2000.

79. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," plenary lecture at the workshop on molecular astrophysics held at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan, November 17, 2000.

78. "Introductory Group Theory with Application to Molecular Theory," six 90-minute lectures for graduate students, given at the Institute for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences, Ibaraki University, Mito, Japan, in the period November 8-December 6, 2000.

77. "Molecular Structure Determination: Coulomb Explosion Imaging vs. Quantum Chemistry for CH2+," seminar in the RIKEN lecture series "Theoretical Atomic/Molecular Processes" given at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, October 28, 2000.

76. "Calculation of Rotation-Vibration Spectra Directly from the Potential Energy and the Dipole Moment Surfaces," plenary lecture at the "PICS Workshop on Reductions of the Rovibrational Hamiltonian," Oberwolfach, Germany, September 28-October 1, 2000.

75. "Localized Vibrations," Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, March 10, 2000.

74. "Molecular Structure Determination: Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy vs. Coulomb Explosion Imaging for CH2+," plenary lecture at "Inspired by Herzberg: Spectroscopy for the Year 2000", Symposium in Memory of Gerhard Herzberg, NAV Canada Conference Centre, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, October 30-November 3, 1999.

73. "Molecular Structure Determination: Quantum Chemistry vs. Coulomb Explosion Imaging for CH2+," Departement de Chimie, Université de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 29, 1999.

72. "Introduction to the Theory of Local Mode Vibrations," three 75-minute lectures at the "PICS Workshop on Local Mode Vibrations", St. Flour, France, September 11-12, 1999.

71. "Theory in an Experimental Environment," plenary lecture at the "Festkolloquium" in honour of Brenda and Manfred Winnewisser, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, September 3, 1999.

70. "Molecular Structure Determination: Quantum Chemistry vs. Coulomb Explosion Imaging for CH2+," Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, September 1, 1999.

69. "The Renner Effect Treated with the MORBID Hamiltonian", J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, April 29, 1999.

68. "Permutation-Inversion Symmetry", two lectures, Facultad Quimica, U. Complutense de Madrid, Spain, June 19 and June 26, 1998.

67. "Permutation-Inversion Symmetry", two lectures, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain, June 10 and June 18, 1998.

66. "The Renner Effect Treated with the MORBID Hamiltonian", Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain, April 1, 1998.

65. "The Formation of Fourfold Rovibrational Energy Clusters in Water-Like Molecules," Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain, March 18, 1998.

64. "Spektroskopie mit dem Computer: Die ungewöhnlichen Rotations-Schwingungsspektren der kleinen Moleküle H2S, H2Se, H2Te, und H2Po," Institut für theoretische Chemie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany, December 4, 1997.

63. "The Renner Effect Treated with the MORBID Hamiltonian", Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphere, Université du Littoral, Dunkerque, France, October 23, 1997.

62. "The Renner Effect Treated with the MORBID Hamiltonian", Cluster Science Group, National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, Tsukuba, Japan, October 9, 1997.

61. "The Renner Effect Treated with the MORBID Hamiltonian", Department of Chemistry, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, October 7, 1997.

60. "The Calculation of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules Directly from Their Electronic Properties", informal seminar for the students at the Institute for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences, Ibaraki University, Mito, Japan, September 30, 1997.

59. "The Formation of Four-Fold Rovibrational Energy Clusters in H2S, H2Se, H2Te, and H2Po," Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 1, 1997.

58. "When Molecules Go Classical: The Surprising Behaviour of Triatomics at High Rotational Excitation", "keynote lecture" at "EUCMOS XXIII: The 23rd European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy", Balatonfüred, Hungary, August 25-30, 1996.

57. "The Renner Effect Treated with the MORBID Hamiltonian", plenary lecture at "The XIIth Symposium-School on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy", Petergof, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 1-5, 1996.

56. "The Renner Effect Treated with the MORBID Hamiltonian", University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China, May 30, 1996.

55. "The Formation of Four-Fold Rovibrational Energy Clusters in H2S, H2Se, H2Te, und H2Po, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China, May 28, 1996.

54. "Spektroskopie mit dem Computer: Die ungewöhnlichen Rotations-Schwingungsspektren der kleinen Moleküle H2S, H2Se und H2Te", FB 8--Physik, Bergische Universität--Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Germany, January 8th, 1996.

53. "The Formation of Four-Fold Rovibrational Energy Clusters in H2S, H2Se, and H2Te", J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, March 23, 1995.

52. "The Formation of Four-Fold Rovibrational Energy Clusters in H2S, H2Se and H2Te", plenary lecture at the conference "Seminar on High Resolution Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy" held by the Danish Society for Molecular Spectroscopy at the Department of Chemistry, University of Århus, Denmark, January 20, 1995.

51. "The Formation of Four-Fold Rovibrational Energy Clusters in H2S, H2Se, and H2Te", Department of Physics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, October 3, 1994.

50. "The Formation of Four-Fold Rovibrational Energy Clusters in H2S, H2Se, and H2Te", Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 21, 1994.

49. "The Formation of Four-Fold Rovibrational Energy Clusters in H2S, H2Se, and H2Te", Geophysics Directorate, Phillips Laboratory/GPOS, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Massachusetts, U.S.A., June 10, 1994.

48. "Theoretical Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Small Molecules", plenary lecture at the conference "XIIIth Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy", Riccione, Italy, September 13--17, 1993.

47. "Molekulare Rotations-Schwingungstheorie", series of eight 45-minute lectures accompanied by four 120-minute problem sessions. Institut für Optoelektronik, Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, August 30 -- September 3, 1993.

46. "Potential energy surfaces for bent triatomic molecules determined from experimental data. Calculation of `cluster states' in the rotation- vibration energy spectrum of H2Se", plenary lecture at the workshop "Fitting molecular potential energy surfaces", St. Aidan's College, University of Durham, England, July 18--21, 1993.

45. Invited to talk at the conference "HighRus--93: XIth Symposium-School on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy", River Volga, Russia, June 28--July 7, 1993. Invitation declined.

44. "Spektroskopie mit dem Computer: Das ungewöhnliche Rotations-Schwingungsspektrum des Moleküls H2Se", FB 9--Theoretische Chemie, Bergische Universität--Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Germany, June 28, 1993.

43. "The MORBID Method", plenary lecture at the conference "IAU Colloquium 146: Molecular Opacities in the Stellar Environment", Copenhagen, Denmark, May 24--29, 1993.

42. "Dynamik kleiner Moleküle mit dem Gehilfen Liebig", lecture at the inauguration ceremony for the supercomputer Siemens/Nixdorf S100/10, Computing Center of the Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, March 4, 1993.

41. "Theoretische Berechnungen der Rotations-Vibrationsspektren dreiatomiger Moleküle", Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Ortsverband Giessen (Giessen section of the German Chemical Society), Department of Chemistry, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, October 27, 1992.

40. "Variational Calculations of the Rotation-Vibration Energies for Triatomic Molecules", Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California, U.S.A., June 11, 1992.

39. "Theoretical Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Small Molecules", Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Universität Basel, Switzerland, November 20, 1991.

38. "Vibration-rotation calculations", series of four lectures at the NATO Advanced Study Institute "Methods in Computational Molecular Physics", Bad Windsheim, Germany, July 22 -- August 2, 1991.

37. "Theoretische Berechnungen der Schwingungsenergien des Dimeren (HF)2", Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Ortsverband Kiel (Kiel section of the German Chemical Society), Fachbereich Chemie, Christian Albrecht University Kiel, Germany, June 13, 1991.

36. Theoretical Calculations of the Vibrational Energies for the Dimers (HF)2 and (HCl)2", Institute of Atmospheric Optics, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, U.S.S.R., April 9, 1991.

35. "Theoretical Calculations of the Vibrational Energies for the Dimers (HF)2 and (HCl)2", Institute of Applied Physics, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky), U.S.S.R., April 5, 1991.

34. "The Intramolecular Stretching States of the HF Dimer", informal seminar for the Theoretical Chemistry Group, Department of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, September 27, 1990.

33. "The Intramolecular Stretching States of the HF Dimer", plenary lecture at the "XIth International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy", Dobříš near Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 3, 1990.

32. "Ab Initio-Berechnungen der Streckschwingungsenergien des Dimeren (HF)2", Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Ortsverband Giessen (Giessen section of the German Chemical Society), Department of Chemistry, Justus Liebig University Giessen, West Germany, July 3, 1990.

31. "Teoretiske Beregninger af Rotations-Vibrations-Energier og Intensiteter for Dimermolekylet (HF)2", lecture presented at the Annual Meeting of the Danish Chemical Society, Odense, Denmark, June 7, 1990.

30. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Department of Chemistry, Moscow State (Lomonosov) University, Moscow, U.S.S.R., May 21, 1990.

29. "Ab Initio Calculations of the Intramolecular Stretching Spectra for the HF Dimer and its D-Substituted Isotopic Species", Department of Chemistry, Moscow State (Lomonosov) University, Moscow, U.S.S.R., May 18, 1990.

28. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Institute of Spectroscopy, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Troitzk, Moscow Region, U.S.S.R., May 17, 1990.

27. "Programs for Handling Data from the BRUKER IFS 120 HR Interferometer on Personal Computers", informal seminar, Institute of Spectroscopy, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Troitzk, Moscow Region, U.S.S.R., May 16, 1990.

26. "Ab Initio Calculations of the Intramolecular Stretching Spectra for the HF Dimer and its D-Substituted Isotopic Species", Physical Chemistry Group, Czechoslovak Chemical Society, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, April 18, 1990.

25. "Variationelle Beregninger af Rotations-Vibrations-Energier og Intensiteter for Treatomige Molekyler", Danish Society for Molecular Spectroscopy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, November 16, 1989.

24. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Chemical Center, University of Lund, Sweden, November 15, 1989.

23. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", plenary lecture at the "44th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy", Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A., June 12-16, 1989.

22. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, U.S.A., June 2, 1989.

21. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie der Universität Bonn, West Germany, May 26, 1989.

20. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Physical Chemistry Group, Czechoslovak Chemical Society, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, April 13, 1989.

19. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Institut für Theoretische Chemie und Strahlenchemie der Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, April 7, 1989.

18. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Department of Chemistry, Århus Universitet, Denmark, March 22, 1989.

17. "Programs for Handling Data from the IFS 120 HR on Personal Computers", plenary lecture at "FT-IR/HR WORKSHOP: High Resolution FT-IR Spectroscopy Using the BRUKER IFS 120 HR", Giessen, West Germany, February 21, 1989.

16. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies and Intensities for Triatomic Molecules", Institut für Optoelektronik, Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, West Germany, February 13, 1989.

15. "Some High-Resolution Projects, Performed with the IFS 120 HR at the University of Giessen", plenary lecture at "BRUKER FT-IR USER'S MEETING 1988", Karlsruhe, West Germany, September 30, 1988.

14. "Variational Calculations of Rotation-Vibration Energies for Triatomic Molecules", plenary lecture at the "Xth International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy", Liblice near Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 5, 1988.

13. "Hamiltonians for the Internal Dynamics of Triatomic Molecules", invited paper at the "Faraday Symposium on Molecular Vibrations", Reading, England, December 15-16, 1987.

12. "The BRUKER IFS120 HR Spectrometer - A Powerful Data Source", Bergische Universität Wuppertal, West Germany, July 2, 1987.

11. "The Calculation of Rotation-Vibration Energies for Triatomic Molecules Directly from the Potential Energy Surface", Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, Garching near Munich, West Germany, September 1986.

10. "The Calculation of Rotation-Vibration Energies for Triatomic Molecules Directly from the Potential Energy Surface", plenary lecture at the "IXth International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy", Liblice near Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 1986.

9. "Calculation of Rotation-Vibration Line Strengths for H3+ and its Isotopes", Physical Chemistry Institute, Justus Liebig University Giessen, West Germany, April 11, 1986.

8. "Calculation of Rotation-Vibration Line Strengths for H3+ and its Isotopes", The J. Heyrovský Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia, December 18, 1985.

7. "Models for the Dynamics of Nonrigid Molecules", The Polish Chemical Society, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, November 27, 1984.

6. "Models for the Dynamics of Nonrigid Molecules", Bergische Universität Wuppertal, West Germany, November 13, 1984.

5. "Modeller for ikke-stive molekylers dynamik", Dansk Forening for Molekylspektroskopi, Københavns Universitet, Denmark, October 31, 1984.

4. "Modeller for ikke-stive molekylers dynamik", Odense Universitet, Denmark, October 29, 1984.

3. "Modeller for ikke-stive molekylers dynamik", Department of Chemistry, Århus Universitet, Denmark, October 22, 1984.

2. "Quasilinear Molecules in Degenerate Small Amplitude Vibrational States", Physical Chemistry Institute, Justus Liebig University Giessen, West Germany, September 27, 1982.

1. "The Inversion Motion in Excited Electronic States of Formaldehyde and Thioformaldehyde", Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, March 30, 1982.