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ASMS2023_FW_ClO2_Oxidation.pdfTP 075 Non target TOF-analysis of oxidation products of aromatic amino acids with chlorine dioxide as potential marker of cell degradation870 KB
ASMS2023_ML_QMSBaseline.pdfWP 247 Elevation of the baseline in Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers: Mechanism and Solution1 MB
ASMS2023_CH_DropletsMicroTOFLongTerm.pdfWP 250 Investigation of Long-Term Behavior of Large, Charged ESI Droplets Aspirated into the High Vacuum Region of two Commercial MS Systems2 MB
ASMS2023_WW_ESIAropletAspiration.pdfWP 251 Observation of charged ESI droplets aspirated into the vacuum system of a commercial QIT under variated LC conditions1 MB
ASMS2023_AB_DIA_APLI.pdfWP 256 Measurement of Distribution of Ion Acceptance (DIA) in ESI and APCI ion sources447 KB
ASMS2023_NP_PlasmaIons.pdfWP 432 Detection of plasma ions by coupling a high resolution TOF-MS at minimum distance to EUV-light focus point.1 MB
ASMS2023_MR_MobilitiesMDModel.pdfWP 452 Prediction of ion mobilities using molecular dynamics based ion-neutral collisions in an open simulation framework (IDSimF)920 KB
ASMS2023_MH_TWIMSSimulation.pdfWP 454 Simulation of Ion Trajectories in Travelling Wave IMS with an Open Simulation Framework (IDSimF)2 MB